Warwick Reformed Church believes that all people are gifted to serve the church and the kingdom of God.

Many of our Ministry Teams are currently under reconstruction in the aftermath of the pandemic.

To learn more about our ministries and discover ways to share your gifts with the community, contact the church office: 845-986-4517 or email


Administration Team

Oversees stewardship of church operations including finance, staffing and maintaining our building and grounds.

Team Leader Karen Blake


Adult Ministry Team

Oversees faith formation, relationship building, compassion, and care for adults in our congregation, organizing Bible studies, book groups, prayer groups, small groups, and visitation.


Youth Ministry Team

Making disciples and guiding our youth to their full potential in Christ, overseeing Sunday School, Children in Worship, Youth groups, and First Friday Friends.

Team Leader Jillian Pregiato


hospitality Team

Extending hospitality to members and visitors, planning fellowship opportunities, and sharing information.


Outreach Ministry Team

Extending Christ’s love outside the walls of the church through local and global missions, supporting our missions and ministries by connecting our congregation to the community and the world.


Worship design Team

Glorifying God through ministry of the Word and Sacrament, planning worship for Sunday mornings and special services, overseeing music ministries; adult choir, handbell choirs, and praise band.

Technology: John Barbuto

Praise Band Leaders: Joe Sclafani, John Sopalsky, & Anne Marie Ramos

Handbell Choir Director: Carol Roman

Team Leader: Kristin Sclafani